Email Disclaimer
Email Disclaimer Policy:
The COMPANY’S email disclaimer reads as follows: “Chase Software (Pty) Ltd (“Chase”) reserves the right to read, monitor, block, intercept, delete and/or copy all emails emanating from and sent to its servers. This email is intended for the confidential use of the intended recipient and any correspondence you receive from a Chase director, employee or representative is subject to this disclaimer. The information may be protected by copyright and may be the intellectual property of Chase. Please note that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is strictly prohibited if you are not the intended recipient. If you receive this mail in error, please desist from reading it and notify the sender to his email address. No liability is accepted if the email is corrupted and no guarantee is provided by Chase, its directors and/or employees that this email is free from any viruses. The views expressed in this email, are unless otherwise stated, those of the author. Opinions & conclusions that don’t relate to the official business of Chase are neither given nor endorsed by Chase. No binding agreement will come into existence by way of this email as it is Chase’s policy to reduce all agreements to writing and that they be signed in person by the relevant parties. This disclaimer is governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa and will be deemed to supersede any terms contained in any e-mail received by Chase to the extent that these conflict with this disclaimer. Our corporate information and the details of the Directors can be found on our website at www.chasesoftware.biz."